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Christ, by transgressing the traditions, condemned the Jewish system of authority.The miracles of Jesus gave credibility to His astounding claims, such as that the Father is in Him, and He in the Father, and gave Him the opportunity to teach.Man may work n the Sabbath to relieve suffering, to heal from diseases and if work is required to redeem. But in the Consistent Symbolical view, Daniel 9 is also symbolic. Kings from the east are Jesus and those that are with Him.The destruction of Babylon, the beast and the false prophet by the ten kings, prior to the return of Christ.In the seventh plague, Babylon receives “His fierce wrath.” Revelation 17-18 interrupts events to identify Babylon. SABBATH … The ancient writers did not have the word “God.”Massive in-migration and top positions for barbarians in the Western Roman Empire allowed them to progressively assume control of the Empire.Historians mention underfunding the army, barbarian mercenaries, Plunder economy, Pomp of rulers, High taxes, Weak emperors, and Sassanid and Hunnic incursions.The Book of Daniel correctly predicted the HOW of the Fall of Rome; It was SUBDIVIDED into many kingdoms that CONTINUED it. If they continue on their path, “Christ will be of no benefit to you” (5:2).Paul did not receive his message second-hand from the apostles, but directly from Jesus Christ through a revelation.The Traditions of the Elders were intended to ensure obedience to God’s Law, but the emphasis on outward behavior shifts the focus away from God to self. What is He waiting for?Jesus said to His disciples: “You will not finish going through the cities of Israel until the Son of Man comes.”Jesus said, “Some standing here shall not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming.” Is this His Physical Return?What generation, did Jesus say in Matthew 24:34, will not pass away until all these things take place?Jesus said and the entire New Testament teaches that the Lord is coming soon. How should that be understood?Was His promise to return soon fulfilled when He was resurrected and enthroned, followed by the Holy Spirit?Was His promise to soon return fulfilled in the Destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70?A discussion of the Dispensational Gap Theory and the 490 years-of Daniel 9 to explain the delay in Christ’s Return.Jesus is distinct from God and subordinate to God. How did the cross refute Satan’s accusations?If Christ’s death defeated Satan, why would “their testimony” also be required?What evidence did Christ provide that made an end to the war in heaven?Why did God not make an end of evil immediately after the Cross?His coming to earth, to raise God’s dead people who sleep in the tombs, will be visible and audible; not a secret rapture.The Return of Christ at the end of the Seven Last Plagues, as described in the book of RevelationHis people who sleep in the dust will awake to everlasting life. Why would He do that if the Sabbath would expire soon?Christ replaced the Law of Moses with much higher moral standards; the Law of Christ, which is the eternal law. Both start at the time of Christ and ends with His return.The seven plagues (Revelation 15-16) are preceded by Christian on Christian persecution. Does this justify an indefinite translation; “the Word was a god?”“God” is a count noun. This article responds to this objection.In the Historic-Messianic Interpretation of Daniel 9, God, by giving this prophecy, extended His covenant with Israel with 490 year.

Satan deceives & accuses. Critics do not accept that such accurate predictions are possible. The Sabbath Day or rest became an intolerable burden, falsely depicting God as a tyrant.Jesus healed on the Sabbath to illustrated the Father, to support His claims, to condemn the Jewish system and to declare that the purpose of the Sabbath is to heal.Each person must decide whether to regard one day above another. Who created all things and who reconciled all things; God or Christ Jesus?Is Jesus God in this book? Trouble is, the work is lousy and the materials are inferior. Jesus taught a different Sabbath. – Stages through which the Trinity doctrine developedPolycarp made a clear distinction between God and the Son, describing the Father as Almighty God and the Son as subordinate to the Father.In his opinion, God, the Father, begot the Son as a rational power before all creatures as a Beginning; of the very substance of the Father.Ignatius also described the Father as the only true God, unapproachable and Begetter of the only-begotten Son. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a first-person shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. Who is Jesus?Is the Son of God a created being, or was He derived from the Father, or did He always exist; co-equal with the Father?He descended from heaven; sent by God. To support this, they argued that man is justified by the works of the Law.Nobody will be justified by “the works of the Law.” This leaves us with an apparent contradiction, for the doers of the Law will be justified.People are justified through faith but judged by their deeds because true faith TRUSTS God and results in good deeds. But when “Atonement” was put in the first English Bible, it described a state of unity; not a process.Evil began in heaven and was transplanted to the earth. It concluded about 10 years later with the Acts 15 decision.The Acts 15 Church Council agreed that Gentiles Christians are not subject to the Law of Moses, but Jewish Christians continued to live strictly according to the Law and customs, causing separation between Jew and Gentile.Early Church History provides background to the disputes in the NT letters, such as over Justification by faith of works, unity of Jew and Gentile, the Law of Moses, and the Sabbath.Four major turning points in the first 30 years of the church (Pentecost, Persecution, First Gentiles and Acts 15) transformed, it from a movement within Judaism to a separate entity.Early Church Chronology is challenging. When rejected Satan, Satan accused God of unfair judgment. Minimum raises to 2, Medium to 3, Maximum has to get to game. This article responds to this objection.In the Historic-Messianic Interpretation of Daniel 9, God, by giving this prophecy, extended His covenant with Israel with 490 year.

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