• English
  • Čeština


  • Aim – aiming with shooting and throwing weapons, enables to hit target’s vulnerable spots
  • Alchemy – potions mixing
  • Anatomy – knowledge of the body structure, increases the bandages efficiency
  • Animallore – enables to learn animal’s condition, morphed druids launch better blows
  • Animaltaming – enables to tame an animal
  • Archery – handling the bows and crossbows
  • Armedcast – enables to cast spells in armour
  • Armslore – enables to learn the condition of equipment, also useful to repairing
  • Axes – handling the battle axes
  • Begging (not used)
  • Blacksmithy – making metal weapons and armours
  • Blades – handling light cutting weapons
  • Camping – enables effective resting (stamina regeneration) and setting the campfires
  • Cartography – writing and decoding maps
  • Cooking – making meals
  • Detecthidden – enables to find hidden enemies
  • Engineering – work with wood – furniture, bows, ammunition, staves, etc.
  • Enticement (not used)
  • Evaluatingintelligence – increases the offensive spells efficiency
  • Fishing – just… fishing
  • Forensicevaluation – the corpses examination, enables to determine the cause of death and murderer
  • Gemcutting – the precious stones working
  • Healing – enables to heal humanoid beings with bandages
  • Herding – enables to control the tamed animals
  • Hiding – sweeping from the sight…
  • Inscription – writing the magical scrolls
  • Itemid – identification of magic items
  • Lockpicking – enables to get into locked containers
  • Lumberjacking – wood harvesting
  • Macefighting – handling the battle maces
  • Magery – enables to cast spells successfully, has influence on the effect of some spells
  • Magicresistance – resistance to negative spells
  • Meditation – enables to get into deep trance (mana regeneration)
  • Mining – metals harvesting
  • Musicianship – playing various musical instruments
  • Parry – handling the shields
  • Poisoning – enables to apply poisons or oils on a weapon
  • Polearms – handling long weapons of halberd type
  • Provocation (not used)
  • Removetrap – enables to remove safely a trap placed on a container or a door
  • Snooping – enables to explore the content of somebody else’s backpack
  • Spears – handling the spears
  • Spiritspeak – enables to understand ghosts
  • Staves – handling the staves
  • Stealing – enables to steal money from others
  • Stealth – enables to move unseen
  • Swordsmanship – handling the swords
  • Tactics – enables to launch better blows in a fight
  • Tailoring – making clothes, leather armours, scrolls, etc.
  • Tasteidentification – enables to identify, what is a weapon smeared with
  • Tinkering – making various useful small things from metals, wood and glass
  • Tracking – enables to find animals, monsters or people round about
  • Veterinary – enables to heal animals and morphed druids with bandages
  • Wrestling – fighting unarmed